Warehouse Management

Challenges in Warehouse Management System

Warehouses represent a mission-critical link in the supply chain, and it’s vital that organizations maintain a structured, error-free environment as efficiently as possible.

Following are the two major challenges faced in WareHouse Management which can be easily eliminated through our Warehouse Management System :

  • Inventory Accuracy : Without an automated system, companies often don’t know what they have in stock, causing inaccuracies.
  • Redundant Manual Processes : Redundant manual processes for Purchase, Customer Management, Product Management, Order Management etc. decrease the efficiency and productivity of Warehouse.

Benefits of our Warehouse Management System

  • Innovative Software
  • Optimized Processes
  • Efficient Labor Allocation
  • Improved Supplier and Customer Relationships
  • Reduced Operational Expenses  
  • Better Demand Planning
  • Better Balanced Inventory
  • Improved Security
  • Improved Employee Morale
  • WMS Dashboard

Features of our Warehouse Management System


  • Yearly sales report with graph chart
  • Total revenue, cost, tax details
  • Latest order details
  • Recently added Product
  • Store summary eg: Total Product, Order, Invoice, Customer


  • Add new supplier
  • Manage all supplier
  • Purchase product from supplier
  • Purchase invoice generate
  • Supplier history with purchase record


  • Add new customer
  • Manage your all customer
  • Customer discount setup
  • Email campaign for customer
  • Send invoice to customer by email


  • Create product category/subcategory
  • Add product in store
  • Product general rate, special offer, tier price
  • Manage product inventory
  • Alert notification for product running out of stock
  • Product attribute and tag
  • Product barcode generate facility
  • Product barcode print
  • Manage damage product
  • Damage product will auto deduct from inventory


  • Add new order Barcode scanner / search product by barcode number
  • You can select customer for new order procedure
  • If the customer has discount it will apply
  • Auto tax calculation
  • Customer booking note
  • Customer shipping rate
  • Without customer order will done as walk-in client
  • Three types of payment method : Cash, cheque, card payment
  • You can make order pending with late payment
  • Order and invoice number generate
  • PDF, print and email invoice facility


  • Email campaign for your store
  • Create email template
  • Manage email campaign template
  • Send email to all your customer
  • Email campaign report


  • Sales report generate
  • Overview of your sales report : It will show eg: Revenue, Cost, Tax
  • Purchase report generate : It will show your purchase history with supplier