Health Care & Pharma Industry

HealthCare Industry Details

The Healthcare business (also referred to as the medical business or health economy) is Associate in Nursing aggregation and integration of sectors inside the national economy that has product and services to treat patients

This includes providers (hospitals, clinics, physicians), insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, health care suppliers and equipment, medical diagnostic labs, health care technology.

The modern healthcare industry is divided into many sectors and depends on the interdisciplinary team of trained professionals and paraprofessionals to meet the health needs of individuals and populations. The health care business is one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing industries. Consuming over 10 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) of most developed nations, health care can form an enormous part of a country’s economy.

Interdisciplinary groups square measure essential within the care of patients with life‐threatening diseases and their families. Interdisciplinary approaches to care additionally assist the skilled in preventing stress and burnout. Obstacles to effective knowledge base team perform embody frequent modification in team composition, yet as role conflict or blurring.

A person with education and training in a specific area of one of the professions (e.g., medicine or law) who provide services in that profession as an extension of an individual licensed to practice independently is called paraprofessional. The assistant is ready to perform tasks requiring vital information within the field, and should even operate severally of direct skilled management, but lacks the official authority of the professional.

Indian provision system is categorized into 2 major elements – public and personal. The Government, i.e. public healthcare system comprises limited secondary and tertiary care institutions in key cities and focuses on providing basic healthcare facilities in the form of primary healthcare centers (PHCs) in rural areas. The non-public sector provides the majority of secondary, tertiary and quaternary care establishments with a serious concentration in metros, tier I and tier-II cities.

The care trade provides a range of services to support the care desires of a community or people. The care trade classifies the various merchandise it offers by sector. Hospitals and tending systems are frequently dynamical their service offerings, and responding to various internal and external forces including reimbursement issues, advances in technology, and shifts in the populations they serve. A universally agreed-upon classification of sectors doesn’t exist, so a non-exhaustive but an inclusive and simplified classification of broad sectors will be used in this exploration. The key sectors of attention business will be broadly speaking classified into following four sub-segments:

  •  Health care services and facilities
  •  Medical devices, equipment, and hospital supplies manufacturers
  •  Medical insurance, medical services, and managed care
  •  Pharmaceuticals & Related Segments

Industries Within the Healthcare Sector

The attention sector contains a various array of industries, with activities ranging from research to manufacturing to facilities management.


Drug manufacturers can further be broken down into biotechnology firms, major pharmaceuticals firms, and makers of generic drugs. The biotech business consists of firms that have interaction in analysis and development to make new medicine, devices and treatment methods. Many of these companies are small and lack of dependable sources of revenue.Some pharmaceutical firms specialize in generic drugs, which are identical to name-brand drugs but no longer enjoy patent protection. As a result, there is often competition to manufacture identical drugs, leading to lower prices and thinner profit margins. An example of a generic drugs firm is Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.

Medical Equipment

Medical equipment makers range from firms that manufacture standard, familiar products – scalpels, forceps, bandages, gloves – to those that conduct cutting-edge research and produce expensive, high-tech equipment such as MRI machines and surgical robots. Medtronic plc (MDT) is an example of a medical equipment maker.

Managed Healthcare

Managed healthcare companies provide health insurance policies. The “Big Five” firms that dominate the industry are UnitedHealth Group Inc. (UNH), Anthem Inc. (ANTM), Aetna Inc. (AET), Humana Inc. (HUM) and Cigna Corp. (CI).

Healthcare Facilities

Health care facilities firms operate hospitals, clinics, labs, psychiatric facilities, and nursing homes. Examples include Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings (LH), that operates facilities that perform blood tests and different analysis; and HCA health care INC. (HCA), which operates hospitals and other healthcare facilities in the U.S. and UK.

Growth Drivers Of Indian Healthcare Industry

There are various aspects of healthcare services, including hospitals (both public and private), medical diagnostic services, medical equipment, private health insurance, etc. Healthcare services in India are expected to improve and thereby the industry to continue on its growth path over the next few years. Here are some of the growth drivers :

Medical Equipment and supplies

The medical equipment and provides business is in positive correlation with the increase in attention. As hospitals increase their scope of activities, the necessity for quality and price competitive instrumentation and provides within the country can increase. This is expected to encourage personal players to service domestic demand.

Medical tourism

The medical business enterprise has seen increased interest from each the govt and personal sectors. With an increasing number of medical tourists all around the world, and a significant portion coming to India for treatments, the medical tourism industry is poised for growth.

Hospital Business

The hospital’s business would continue to contribute to more than 70 percent of the healthcare sector, with the private and public sector combined contributing about USD 54.5 billion. While the government will step up its investment in the sector as planned, the private sector will foray into the hitherto largely ignored sector. With increasing confidence and understanding of the industry, investor interest will spur many private players to increase their scope of operations.

Diagnostic and Pathology Industry

The diagnostic and pathology business boosted by occupation to rising medical wants of the country and gaining momentum through growing acceptance of preventive cures can in. towards a lot of mature markets set up over the years. The diagnostic and pathology services industry is expected to continue its consolidation.

The care sector is one of the most important and most advanced within the U.S. economy, accounting for close to a fifth of overall gross domestic product (GDP), according to the OECD. Some of the highest-quality care in the world can be found in the U.S., but in terms of the population’s overall health, the U.S. lags other wealthy, developed countries.

Indian care is experiencing a brand new wave of chance. Providers square measure reinventing existing delivery models to bring care nearer to the patient. The following emerging trends are changing the course of the industry:

  •  The change in the government’s role from provider to payer has expanded the financial risk protection coverage to the marginalized.
  •  Private sector partnerships through health PPPs are gradually gaining acceptance, thereby improving access to care.
  •  The significant demand-supply has led healthcare to emerge as an attractive sector for PE investments.

Role of IT in Healthcare Industry

As the world becomes more and more interconnected, technology has begun to be considered as a convenient and useful tool for every field. In this era, every field is getting connected to technology more and more every day like Business Sector, Educational, Health Care, etc.

The term ‘Information Technology’ or simply known as IT is a generic name given to all improvements in the sector of technology, learning, and information. The term refers to recent advancement that is taking place in our world as a result of better technology, due to better information.

Every sector and country is spending more money on improving every field to achieve convenient and easy economic technology. In all these sectors, the one and the most important sector is Healthcare. It is one of the most complexes, with patients constantly demanding better care management. This industry requires rapid progress in IT, and therefore Doctors and Professionals seek effective solutions and frequent technologies.

Why IT is important in the Healthcare Industry?

  •  The use of IT in healthcare industry improves the quality of healthcare that is delivered by providing accurate patient records and allows doctors to better understand the patient’s medical history.
  •   Patients that suffer from any disease directly benefits from IT because of improved services provided by technology in healthcare industries.
  •  It is stated that by 2030, 183 million Americans will have some form of chronic disease, and the U.S. will face the shortage of up to 100,876 physicians, that’s why Robotic Healthcare Services are in high demand these days not in America but all over the world.
  •  More magnified tools are used in healthcare services for complex surgeries also known as Robotic Surgeries.
  •  Higher quality communication and connectivity helps both patients and doctors to interact with each other with the help of IT.
  •  Technology is revolutionizing medicine from the patient’s home to the operating room.

How IT is important in the Healthcare Industry?

3-D Printing –

  •  3D printing plays an important role in training future doctors.
  •  It provides models that look realistic and mimic actual human parts which help doctors to prepare for actual operations.
  •  3D printing has revolutionized prosthetics, with a 3D printer, we can get a customized prosthetic hand or leg. It is now possible to custom print prosthetic hands in the cheapest form, for example, for a child that need a hand can get new prosthetic hand fitted every year. Plus, with the massive developments that are being made in the 3D printing industry, the costs associated with this technology are reducing every day. 

Mobile Apps –

  •  There are many innovative apps present as per the requirement.
  •  With the help of them it is possible to monitor personal health like we can count our calories, track our sleep patterns, monitor our heart rate or even remotely consult a physician , we can keep track of our health schedule , our appointments with the doctors, we can tell at the end of the day that how much calories we have consumed throughout the day .
  •  We just don’t need to consult doctors for each problem, we can somehow track them with apps.

Artificial Intelligence-

  •  AI has transformed the healthcare industry for the doctors as well as the patients.
  •  There are many factors regarding AI in healthcare services like we can collect and trace data, doctors can check on the medical history of any patient make a plan for treatment, medical records are stored in the healthcare database so for any time information is available for both doctors and patients.

Internet of Things (IoT) in the Healthcare Industry-

  •  IoT applications enhanced the healthcare industry with unique approaches.
  •  IoT is spreading vastly and making several changes in the advancement of healthcare services.
  •  Some of the key features of IoT can assist doctors and patients for home monitoring with full liberation, a doctor can even check the type of medicines before providing it to the patients with the help of IoT.


  •  The use of Nano-technology to improve Healthcare Industry on a large scale.
  •  Smaller drugs lead to more precise delivery systems also known as Nano-medicine.
  •  It helps in treatments like to deliver chemotherapy in just that area where the tumour is present instead of harming the whole body, increasing the speed of treating disease with Nano-medicines and many more.

Robot-Assisted Surgery-

  •  Robot-assisted surgery contributes to advanced computer technology with the experience of skilled specialists.
  •  This technology provides the surgeon with a high definition and magnified 3D-image of the human body’s complex anatomy.
  •  The surgeon, therefore, can operate with enhanced precision, skill and control even during the most complex procedures.
  •  Robot-Assisted surgery helps in Healthcare industry like less blood loss, less tissue damage, less pain during operations and faster recovery.
  •  Today robotic surgeries are becoming more and more popular because of its more benefits than drawbacks.

Virtual Healthcare-

  •  Also known as telehealth or telemedicine.
  •  It is even popular nowadays because of its convenient way of ease.
  •  Virtual healthcare allows patients and doctors to touch base remotely using technology such as video conferencing, mobile apps etc.
  •  Many patients are also becoming comfortable using technology to observe any changes in their health and sharing that data with their physicians.
  •  Virtual Healthcare helps in minimizing the time to treat a patient, and that’s how it helps in operating quickly even virtually.